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    Alkebulan Network-State logo.

    The Alkebulan Metaverse is a web3 (crypto asset) augmented learners' cooperative.

    The Alkebulan Network-State is the broader envisioned environment that the Metaverse serves.

    The Mission of the Alkebulan Metaverse is to provide a portal and resources that develop Knowledge, Insight, Competencies, Abilities and Skills (KICAS) in soil science and soil custodianship in those citizens, who decide to build the responsibility of honouring The Alkebulan Soil Covenant.

    As our citizens’ KICAS grows our mission is to empower, aligned with The Alkebulan Soil Covenant, beneficial and productive influence in all regions of the world.  We are working towards the maintenance and where needed re-establishment of healthy soil; proven healthy by the living vibrancy and integrity of its expressed Web6 Functions; quality assured by our citizens’ consensus:

    The Web6 Function:

    soil types; sand, clay & silt
    2) minerals
    3) microbes
    4) light
    5) water
    6) temperature


    Citizens of Alkebulan Network-State tend to self-identify as one or two of the following Communities of Interest or as a blend of them.  Here at our Cooperative eLearning Cente courses are therefore developed to address these primary communities of interest.

    • Mother Earth Lovers
    • The Web3 Enthusiasts
    • Environmental Science Enthusiasts
    • Power Of Black Identity Enthusiasts

    How do you self-identify?

    With respect to our Vision & Mission please do let us know about your interests, and tell us what you'd like to learn more about.

    Alkebulan Network-State